volunteer work

Do you intend to make your free time available for cultural activities? Does the world of museums interest you? Sign on our volunteer work programme and acquire new experiences and skills, both social and cultural.


Volunteer. Who is it?

A volunteer is a person who, by personal choice, dedicates part of their time to solidarity activities, selflessly, and without pay. Volunteer work means GIVING (time, resources, work) and RECEIVING (satisfaction, experience, human relations).

The volunteer is guided by the following principles:
- Solidarity: in a selfless attitude, the volunteer conducts an activity of collective, general and public interest. Volunteer work is a means to answer needs, problems and social interests, not and end on itself. Volunteer action means a solidary commitment which has the improvement of the collective life of the community in mind.
- Participation: volunteer intervention is conducted within activities of social interest.
- Complementarity: the person who volunteers does not exist to replace human resources in the promoting institutions, so tasks that can be developed by professional workers are to be avoided.
- Gratuity: the person who volunteers does not receive payment for the volunteer work, which is conducted as the outcome of a free choice, an ethical, free of charge and personal option.
- Responsibility: volunteers are responsible for the activity they committed to, given the expectations that have been originated in the recipients of that volunteer work.
- Convergence: the volunteer’s action should be aimed at the culture and objectives of the promoting institution.

The person who volunteers develops their action based on three types of motivation:
1- ideological, ethical or moral reasons, which make them feel other’s problems and needs as their own, and which make them act in order to make society better.
2- personal reasons, the need to feel socially useful, the need to know and participate in new experiences, personal development and education, and to connect and work with others.
3- in general, volunteer work, especially concerning elderly people, aims to create bonds between generations and to encourage the exchange of experiences so typical of that age group.



Registration for the Voluntary Programme of the Shoe Museum is open throughout the year.

Candidates should be over 18 years old and have completed the 12th year at school.

In order to apply, the curriculum should be sent to  museudocalcado.sjm@gmail.com (email), including the subject matter (application for voluntary programme).

The following information must be included in the curriculum:
-  Identification Data: Name, ID / CC, Date of birth, Place of birth, Residence, Postal Code, Telephone number, E-mail; Education; Other qualifications / courses; Professional experience; Other skills, activities, hobbies; Other relevant information in order to evaluate the candidate’s characteristics for the educational service area; Daily time and schedule intended for the volunteer activity; Hourly/Daily time unavailable for the volunteer work; and Signature.



The person who volunteers may complete their activity at the Museum’s Educational Service, at the Documentation Service or at the Collection Management Service.

For more information contact the Museum’s Educational Service over the telephone number: +351 256 004 006.



Inside an organization, a volunteer person may complete many tasks, namely:
- Research: collecting data or testimonies about a specific situation, territory, community or social sector;
- Information and awareness: divulging and making situations, needs or specific problems known, awakening and mobilizing other people’s awareness;
- Guidance and Counselling: providing support and information to people or groups in need;
- Education: transmitting values and bettering professional skills of people or groups;
- Collection of funds and resources: collecting material means, technical resources, among others, which are necessary for the development of solidarity projects, answering emergency situations;
- Support and direct assistance to people in need;
- Project planning and management: analysing needs, defining objectives and strategies, searching and organizing all kinds of resources, evaluating results.



The rights of a volunteer are as follows:
- Having access to initial and continuous course programmes, with the improvement of the volunteer work in mind;
- Working as a volunteer within safety and hygienic conditions;
- Establishing, with the promoting entity, a volunteer work that regulates their mutual relations and the content, nature and duration of the volunteer work to be developed;
- Being heard at the time of preparation of the promoting entity’s decisions, which may affect the development of the volunteer work.



People who volunteer are individuals who freely commit to developing volunteer actions, with responsibility and without personal interests, within an organization and according to personal abilities.

The duties of a volunteer are as follows:
- Giving the best of themselves, generously, acting with professionalism, humanity and efficiency;
- Respecting the ethical principles the activity developed is based on and respecting the principles established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
- Respecting the rules of confidentiality in the use of data concerning the host institution, using the material items provided by the institution responsibly and properly using the credits provided by the organization to the volunteer;
- Observing the norms that regulate the promoting institution’s work and functioning, as well as respective programmes or projects;
- Acting in a diligent, impartial and solidary manner;
- Participating in the training courses destined to volunteers;
- Watching over the good use of resources and items, equipment and utensils available;
- Collaborating with the professionals from the promoting institution, respecting their options and following their technical guidance;
- Not assuming the role of representative of the promoting entity without its knowledge and previous authorization;
- Guaranteeing the regular completion of the volunteer work, according to the programme established with the promoting institution;
- Properly using the volunteer identification during the volunteer work.